Our Data is different! We use the web to manually research and verify all the records held in our database.


Using search engine techniques, conventional mailing lists and other relevant business data our dedicated off shore research team manually searches on the web to find each business listed. When found they visit that firm’s website to confirm and verify details such as business activities and other relevant data such as email address.


Then every few months in order to keep the resulting data up to date we send a verification email to all the addresses in our database and we simply delete out the addresses that bounce and amend records accordingly. In addition many of our lists include CASS (USA lists) or PAF (UK lists) verified postal addresses.


By comparison, most competing lists are compiled simply by keying unverified information from published sources of information such as public records, telephone books or trade directories. That is why those types of lists are so inaccurate and out of date! After all, when was the last time you updated your business details in such publications? On the other hand, anyone who is seriously in businesses keeps contact information on their website up to date.


So there can be little doubt that the web is going to provide the most accurate and up to the minute business data. That is why all our directories and lists have been painstakingly researched and verified via web research methods. However, the email addresses listed are not transactional nor so called opt in – please see our Terms page for details of our email delivery guarantee.